Lent 3 – Prayer Chair

Settle into a chair, breathe deeply, and make the following prayer your offering to God.

For losing touch with the big picture and what’s important… forgive me.
For the times when I’ve lived to work rather than work to live… forgive me.
Help us be truly present to you, O God.
Help me be mindful that my connection to you exists right here in the present,
and putting off time to tune in to you right now robs me
of the deep peace and assurance you have to give.

In this moment I hear your promise:

You are with me always.
It is never too late to make better choices.
You do not ask me to give up my work but you invite me to simply pay attention.
I am your child, and I want to dwell with you.

I bring my petitions to you this day, O God. Here are the people and things I am worried about …. (offer up to God your joys and concerns)

Holy God, who holds me close as a Loving Parent does,
I honor this life you have given me and this moment to remember what’s important.
I pray that your love will reign in all the earth and in my heart.
Give me what I need to get through the next 24 hours. No more. No less.
Open me to give and receive forgiveness when and if that’s needed
so that serenity will return.
Your world is precious. This moment will never pass again.
With this breath I offer my deepest thanks.

Put any worries in your God Box, if you have one. As an “amen,” take a deep breath before you leave the chair.

God Box Instructions

The God Box is a way of handing over the things that we worry (perhaps even obsess) about that are beyond our control. You can make a God Box out of a small box, perhaps shoebox size, and decorate it however you choose and place the Serenity Prayer on the lid (you could cut out the one below). Whenever worries pop up, you are invited to write your worries on bits of paper and put them in your God Box as a sign that you are letting go of that which you cannot control into the care of God. Replace the time spent worrying in your head with speaking the Serenity Prayer by H. Rienhold Neibhur, 20th century theologian. You could also keep your prayer papers in this box.

Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Miss the sermon this week? 

Read it here: Un-busy: Focus

Tuesday Night Small Group Study

The Bible is more revelatory, revolutionary, and relevant than you ever imagined. But too often people butcher it with stilted literalism and stifling interpretations. Join us Tuesday, April 2 at 6:15 as pastor/author Rob Bell’s “What is the Bible?” helps us discover how the Bible has more to offer than you ever imagined!

More Details

This Week:

Tuesday, March 26th, 6:15 pm Small group
Tuesday, March 26th, am/pm DWM Workday
Wednesday, March 27th, 1:30 pm Prayer & Inspiration
Wednesday, March 27th, 2:30 pm 130th Anniversary Planning team meeting
Wednesday, March 27th, 6:00 pm Choir Practice
Thursday, March 28th, 3:00 pm Ladles of Love, Meal preparation
Thursday, March 28th, 4:00 pm Ladles of Love, Meal delivery
Sunday, March 31st, 11:00 am Worship; Baptism Class Continues (10:00 am & 4:00 pm)
Sunday, March 31st, 5:00 pm Organ Concert

Upcoming Events:
April 13th, afternoon (time TBA), Easter Egg Hunt/Fellowship at the home of Joanie & Jason Williams
April 26th, Lunch: Fundraising BBQ