Maundy Thursday
Drifting Seeds
Read John 13:1-35
Inspired by John 13:1-17, 31B-35
Graphic Image
When I was in high school, my pastor washed my feet during a Maundy Thursday service. I felt a wide range of emotions throughout the experience, but what feels most important is how differently I felt before and after having my feet washed. I stood in line with my feet bound in boots while self-conscious thoughts filled my mind. “What if my feet stink?” “What if my toenails aren’t cut?” “What if my feet are blistered and rough to the touch?” I didn’t want my pastor to have to touch my feet. The thing was, he didn’t have to. He humbled himself in response to Jesus’ example.
Once Jesus finishes washing the disciples’ feet, enduring their protest and misunderstanding, he says, “You also ought to wash one another’s feet.” I imagine Jesus splashing around in the water to image the resulting ripples of his action. Jesus sees this moment as a center point of change. If each of the twelve understood and humbled themselves in service to others, and the recipients of their kindness did the same, the ripples of impact would be unending.
In this mandala, I imaged each of the disciples turned outward, washing another’s feet with dandelions framing their hands. When you blow on a dandelion, the seeds drift in the wind, rest, take root, and multiply. For me, Jesus’ actions mimic this progression. The seeds he plants in their hearts would take flight and root, spreading the good news ultimately to you and me. As my pastor washed my feet, I was overcome with gratitude and conviction. Tears poured down my face as he knelt and carefully rubbed my feet. My self-consciousness dissolved into other-consciousness. If my pastor could do this for me, I could certainly go and do likewise.
— lauren wright pittman
COVID-19 Resources
Your mental health is important! Even more so when your world is turned upside down. Below are a few links that you may find useful as you journey through the days and weeks ahead. Please check them out…even if you don’t think you need them (Hint: The best time to take care of yourself is when you think you are doing just fine!) So, no matter where you are, just click the links and do something today to take care of yourself!
- Coping with COVID-19 (from Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Center)
- Coping with Coronavirus (from – several great articles from “How to Cope with Anxiety” to “How to be a Good Partner During Quarantine”
- Why Your Mental Health May Be Suffering During the COVID-19 Pandemic (from PBS)
- Seven Tips to Manage Your Mental Health and Well-Being During the COVID-19 Outbreak (from
- 20 Prayers to Pray During This Pandemic (from Christianity Today)
We will continue to look for good resources to help us all cope during this pandemic, so please stay tuned for more. (Seriouly, click on one of the links above…it can’t hurt and is most definitely can help!)
Miss Sunday’s Service?
You can still see Sunday’s service by visiting the church’s website: or on Hood Memorial’s Facebook page.
Facebook Live Stream of Live Last Supper (2019)
Join us on Facebook Live tonight or tomorrow evening at 7:00pm. We will be streaming our Live Last Supper service from last year. What a great way to remember Christ’s last supper with his disciples.
This Sunday, April 12th:
This Sunday, we will celebrate the risen Lord together through Live Streaming over Facebook Live and the Conference Call. We would love your participation.
- Send us an Easter picture of your family that we can include in the service. You can use an old photo or new one. You can drop a photo in the mailbox at church or you can text a picture to Pastor Jason.
- Or you can take a short video of your family shouting one of the Easter Resurrection phrases “He is Risen!” “Hallelujah!” , etc. Remember to take the videos in landscape orientation (holding your phone sideways).
- Send your videos and/or pictures to or text them to 919-417-0179.
We want to include the whole church family in a picture/video collage in Sunday’s worship service.
Daily Prayer Call Moves to Three Days
Join us Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 12 noon for our Prayer Conference Call.
1. Phone: Call (563) 999-1222
2. Mobile Device: Download “Free Conference Call” App from the AppStore & Use Meeting ID: hoodchurch Download for Android – Download for Apple
3. Computer: Connect to the Internet and Visit –
Your Gift Empowers Us to Be the Church!
COVID-19 Resources
- Harnett Health – 910-893-7550
- North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
- NC COVID-19 Information: Dial 2-1-1 or 888-892-1162 or Text COVIDNC to 898211
- CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
- COVID-19 Worldwide Data with Interactive Map
COVID-19 Testing: Only those who meet the following criteria should ask their doctor or local health department about being testing for COVID-19 through the NCSLPH:
- Have fever or lower respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath) and close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case within the past 14 days; OR
- Have fever and lower respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath) and a negative rapid flu test
If you meet these criteria and have been unable to get tested by your doctor, please call Harnett Health at 910-893-7550.