Education Opportunities

The Chosen, Season 2 Bible Study begins this Sunday at 5:00 pm!!
We had a wonderful time watching season 1 together. We laughed, we cried, we were amazed at the humanity and holiness of Jesus. You don’t want to miss this great time as we grow in our understanding of scriptures and in our journey of faith.
Regional Assembly, Part 2
The Second part of the Regional Assembly of NC Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) will be held virtually this Saturday, May 21 at 9:00 am. Read the following excerpt from our Regional Newsletter describing the event:
“For this second gathering, we are turning the entire event over to Brian D. McLaren, who has been one of the clearest voices describing what the new, emerging church is likely to look like.
One of Brian’s observations is that the coronavirus has not so much changed the trajectory the church is on as much as it has accelerated these changes. So, in addition to speaking to us, McLaren will facilitate conversations among our participants and extract common themes and perspectives out of that dialogue. It promises to be a memorable day for those wondering what is happening to us and how churches will come out of the pandemic. “
You are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall Saturday morning as we are inspired by the voice of Brian McLaren. What a beautiful way to join together!!
This Week:
Wednesday, May 18 – 1:00 pm Proverbs Bible Study & Prayer (**note time change)
Thursday, May 19 – AM Ladles of Love Meal Preparation & Delivery (please contact church office if you are able to volunteer)
Friday, May 20 – Noon Prayer & Devotion Call
Saturday, May 21 – 9:00 am Virtual Assembly, Part 2 – Brian McLaren, in the Fellowship Hall
Sunday, May 22 – 10:30 am Worship
Sunday, May 22 – 4:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal in the Choir Room
Sunday, May 22 – 5:00 pm The Chosen Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
Do you have a graduate in your family? Is someone recieving a degree or certificate? We want to celebrate and praise God for your accomplishments. Graduation Sunday is June 12. Please contact the church office with the names and details of your graduates!!