Tips for Relating to 1s
Ones value goodness, integrity, honesty, duty, and responsibility. They are people of high morals and standards. They are very hard workers and always strive to do what is right. In relationships, 1s are sincere, committed, truthful, fair, and conscientious.
Be careful critiquing a 1! They are already critiquing themselves very hard. Encourage 1s to see the world in gray, embrace imperfections, focus on things they love about people, have patience, and show them grace, even when they offer you critique. 1s must learn to acknowledge, accept, and release their anger, frustration, resentment and guilt. Nudging 1s to take time to reflect on grace and alternate perspectives can be helpful if they are willing to do so.
More Tips for Relationships with 1s
- Take 1s seriously! They are always motivated to do what is right. Recognize that, even when their “right” is the only right way.
- Be clear and on time with 1s! They value schedules and routine and will appreciate you for abiding by them.
- Give feedback to 1s in constructive ways. They can be hypersensitive with criticism. So be gentle and positive when suggesting ways for improvement.
- Admit when you make a mistake in a relationship with a 1. Talk about your feelings and reflections regarding the mistake. Your healthy way of handling mistakes can be a positive model for 1s, especially as you show yourself grace. Modeling how to take mistakes seriously while also laughing at yourself can be a positive example.
- When working with 1s, show dedication, work diligently, and strive to improve. 1s will appreciate you doing so.
- Communicate openly and honestly with 1s.
- Assure them that they are making a difference.
- Avoid saying “should” to 1s (“you should…”). They put enough “shoulds”” on themselves. Instead, use the word could or offer them options or alternatives, even if they don’t initially receive them.
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