God is Love

Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.

1 John 4:8

When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.

Genesis 9:16

Facebook Live Children’s Class

Join us Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM on Facebook Live! A couple of our parents came up with a creative Wednesday evening Children’s Activity–virtually. Just like our Tea and Tunes or our Pizza parties; we will sing, dance, hear Bible Stories, make crafts together, play games and be reminded how much God loves us. 6:30 PM Wednesday evening.
Parents: here are some items you will need to prepare ahead of time
1. an outdoor space to watch and participate if possible
2. sidewalk chalk, or paper and crayons
3. pine cones
4. peanut butter
5. bird seed, or any seeds or crushed nuts you might have handy
6. a Bible
7. Tell a friend
***Pine cones and sidewalk chalk are available on the sidewalk outside of the main entrance of Hood Memorial Christian Church. You may stop by and pick up a few of these items to use if you need them.

Supporting One Another During COVID-19

One of the ways we can continue to be the church during this current time of limited physical interaction, social distancing, out-of-stock retail stores, and enhanced sanitization is to share our resources and offer delivery services to those in high-risk groups.

Do you need cleaning supplies, hygiene supplies, basic food items (e.g. bread, water)? We may know someone who has plenty to share!

Would you benefit from someone running errands for you because you are in a high-risk group and need to avoid public places? We have healthy, low-risk volunteers who can help with shopping and/or pick-up-delivery for you!

Sources of COVID-19 Information

If you have a fever, shortness of breath, and/or cough and have tested negative for the flu, we encouraged you to request a COVID-19 test. If you have been unable to get tested by your doctor, please call Harnett Health at 910-893-7550.

From NCDHHS and Harnett County: If you think you may have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop symptoms, you may need to seek medical attention. Contact Harnett County Health Department 910-893-7550 at for further guidance. Before going to a health care provider, clinic, hospital or emergency room, call ahead to describe your symptoms and how you may have been exposed to the virus. In the event of an emergency call 9-1-1.  

Daily Call to Prayer

We will connect each day this week at Noon for a daily devotional led by Pastors Joanie and Jason. Each day, for 15-20 minutes, we will gather using the same conference call technology that we used for our worship this past Sunday. You may call in and Pastors Jason and Joanie will lead us through scriptures and daily thoughts. With the help of technology, we will gather in Jesus’ name.
You may use one of the following ways to join us tomorrow:
1. Phone: Call (563) 999-1222
2. Mobile Device: Download “Free Conference Call” App from the AppStore & Use Meeting ID: hoodchurch
Download for Android – Download for Apple
3. Computer: Connect to the Internet and Visit – https://join.freeconferencecall.com/hoodchurch

Regional Update

The Regional Assembly, which was scheduled to meet at Camp Caroline in April, has been rescheduled to the Fall. More information will be coming.