Zacchaeus: Jesus Looked Up
Inspired by Luke 19:1-10
Acrylic & Ink on Canvas
Artist Statement (Hannah Garrity)
Seeing, taking notice, acknowledging, lifting up—Jesus did all of these things as he looked up at Zacchaeus, calling him down, resting love and responsibility on his shoulders. I teach middle school art. I have spent this school year testing the waters. Each day I try a new collection of inputs for various situations. The most effective one is to stop in at every single student’s seat to have a personal conversation with them. In these conversations,
I reiterate the assignment, glean information about what the student plans to do, and answer any questions. The byproduct is positive productivity. Is it because I’ve shown that I care? Is it because I’ve clarified the expectations? Is it because I simply acknowledged their existence in the room? Is it because I saw them? Middle schoolers don’t realize that you can hear and see them from across the room. Their maturity level is simply not there yet. In this image, Jesus looks up with grace. A shimmer of gold on his skin represents the presence of God in him. He takes notice of a selfish, greedy, and immature adult. Zacchaeus’ actions make me think he did not mature much after middle school. By the standards of society, exhibited by the comments of those around him, this man does not deserve to be acknowledged. When he is finally seen, all of his immaturity melts away. He immediately rises to the occasion. Take notice, acknowledge, lift up. See.
This week at Hood:
Wednesday, September 16, 12 noon – Prayer & Inspiration
Thursday, September 17, 10:00 am – Ladles of Love Meal Distribution
Friday, September 18, 8:00 pm – Movie Night at Tart Park (hosted with Dunn Parks and Rec)
Sunday, September 20, 9:30 am – “Unraveled” Series in Worship
Sunday, September 20, 6:30 pm – Practicing Midrash Book Study (Join us in person, by Free Conference Call, or Facebook Live)
Upcoming Events
1. Practicing Midrash– This book was written by a good friend and mentor of Pastors Jason & Joanie, Rev. Dr. Tim Moore. We invite you to join us for an engaging book study with the author. We gather this Sunday for the second of five weeks. We will learn about the ancient practice of midrash and learn new ways to interact with the scriptures. The author, Tim Moore will join us through live video. There will be opportunities to participate in person or live online. Books are available at the church office. Please let Jason know if you’d like a book.
2. September Super Sundays of Service–Each Sunday in September, we will have opportunity of service to our community that all ages can participate in. As the dates approach, we will give more details about how you can participate and when and where supplies will be available for pick up.
This week: September 20–Paint a Rock
We want to “Rock Out” our community. We encourage you to come by the church this week and grab a rock or two and paint supplies. Take the rocks home and paint an encouraging word on them. Then, we ask you to place these rocks somewhere in Dunn. Maybe you place it on a path that you enjoy walking, so someone else can find your encouragement. Maybe, you place it near a business that you like to visit. Maybe you sit it outside of someone’s door that needs encouragement.
3. Baby Book Shower-Don’t forget we are collecting books for the new baby girl in the Giberson family (new baby to Rosemary, granddaughter of Robin & Sean, great-granddaughter of John & Carol King). We have been praying for Rosemary and we can’t wait to welcome new life in October. Bring your favorite children’s book to share or you may make a donation and we will go and buy books to start the book collection.
4. Amplify Media-OUR BIG NEWS! We are giving everyone in the Hood Church Family a FREE GIFT – Amplify Media! By being part of Hood Memorial Christian Church, you can have your very own account for free giving you access to hundreds of inspiring stories, insightful teaching and powerfully motivating shows. Amplify is accessible all the time, and on almost any device you use to watch video. If you are connected to the Hood Church Family, then watch your email for our church access code and instructions to get Amplify onto you TV, Computer, Tablet, or Smartphone!
PARENTS: There are great shows for kids to teach all about our faith and the stories of scripture! You will want to get this rolling right away for your kiddos!
5. Welcome our New Ministry Intern– We welcome Ryan Craddock, a student from Campbell Divinity School to our church family. Ryan will be working with Pastors Jason & Joanie on several projects over the next several months. You will enjoy getting to know Ryan and recognizing all the many gifts of ministry that he brings to our church family. Below you will find more about Ryan from an article that was written at Campbell.