An Imperfect Ally
Artist Reflection
By: Lisle Gwynn Garrity
Moses’ mother and Miriam plot a clever plan, but it’s far from foolproof. The risks far outweigh their chances for success. What if the basket they place him in leaks, drowning him instead of keeping baby Moses afloat? What if the current gets too strong, or the winds pick up, or he gets stuck in a tangle of reeds? What if the wrong person finds him and fulfills Pharaoh’s command? What if Pharaoh’s daughter is moved with disgust when she sees what floats into her private bathing quarters? Even if Pharaoh’s daughter decides to keep the child as her own, what will keep Pharaoh from killing Moses when she’s not looking?
Inspired by Exodus 1:22, 2:1-10 | Acrylic on Canvas
Their plan is too perilous, too fraught with danger for any infant to endure. And yet, we know of mothers who risk desert heat, fatigue, illness, dehydration, criminalized border crossings, and facilities with cages to pursue the slight chance—the mere hope—of survival for their child. Why would they do this? Because to stay home and succumb to the sure threats of genocide—or gang violence, or civil war—is far more dangerous.
In this image, I gave the viewer the vantage point Pharaoh’s daughter might have had. What melts her heart with mercy when she sees this Hebrew child float downstream? Was a well of rebellion rising up within her, making her eager to subvert her father’s orders? Was she poisoned like most Egyptians with bias against the Israelites, but did the innocence and vulnerability of an infant shift her heart toward love? Had she desperately wanted a child of her own? Regardless of her motives, Pharaoh’s daughter uses her power and privilege to act as an ally to Moses and his family in their worst unraveling. It’s not a perfect solution, but God doesn’t need perfection to achieve liberation.
Amplify Your Faith
We have hope because God is with us. . .
Jennifer Cowart, from today’s video devotion
During this time while we are still mostly apart, we encourage you to engage in devotion and Bible study with us on a more regular basis. We will be doing this together, but separately using our new online church resource – Amplify Media. Three to four times a week,
- We will include a link to devotional video from Amplify Media
- Click the link to open the video with your free Amply Media account courtesy of Hood Memorial Christian Church (instructions below if you still need to set up your account)
- We will also include 2-3 questions that we invite you to reflect upon after watching the video.
- Feel free to share your thoughts with one another. You can even text or e-mail your thoughts to Pastors Jason & Joanie.
- Each Friday on our church-wide noon Prayer Call, we will reflect on the videos together and share our thoughts and insights.
Even though physical space separates us, we can continue our journey of faith together in a new way. We pray that our entire church family will watch these devotions and Bible messages each week. Let’s Amplify our faith together even when we are at home!
Amplify Your Day
We begin with a video series called Evening Devotionals. Today’s video is from Jennifer & Jim Cowart of Harvest Church. The Cowarts discuss 1 Peter 1:6-7 and how our faith is tested.
Evening Devotional with Jennifer & Jim Cowart
Questions for Reflection:
- In the past 7 months, how has your faith been challenged?
- Where have you seen your faith strengthened?
**Amplify media has a huge library of resources. If this particular video did not speak to you, feel free to explore the website and find something that reaches your heart. Please share what you have found with Jason, Joanie, or Ryan. We would love to hear from you.
Family & Kids…Here’s One for you!
Amplify Media has some wonderful resources for children and families as well. Several of the video series for children are made in a fun interactive way (similar to youtube videos kids love to watch). Try this video and engage your family in the following questions:
Questions for Reflection with your kids:
- What jobs would you like to try?
- How does a lifeguard help people?
- How do you help others?
To access your Amplify account, just follow these simple steps:
- Go to:
- Enter our Access Code: Check your e-mail for our Church Access Code (an e-mail was sent a few weeks ago from Hood Mem Christian Church with instructions and access code) . If you did not receive this email, please contact Pastor Jason and he will provide you with our Church Access Code.
- Then follow the instructions to set up your personal FREE account because Hood Memorial Christian Church is taking care of all the costs as a gift to you!
If you have any questions, we are here to help. Feel free to get in touch with your Pastors at (or just call or text us at our personal numbers) and we’ll be more than happy to answer any questions and help you get set up with Amplify!
This Week at Hood
Wednesday, September 23, 12 noon – Prayer & Inspiration (in-person or by calling: 563-999-1222 or
Thursday, September 24, 10:00 am – Ladles of Love Meal Delivery
Sunday, September 27, 9:30 am – Worship: Unraveled Series
Sunday, September 27, all day – September Sundays of Service: Sidewalk Chalk explosion– Take a couple of pieces of sidewalk chalk that is provided at the church and create art throughout our town–write uplifting messages and pictures to brighten the day of someone who passes by
Sunday, September 27, 6:30 pm – Practicing Midrash Book Study, session 3
Upcoming Events
Friday, October 8, 8:00 pm – Movie Night with City of Dunn at Tart Park (Food Trucks open at 6:00 pm for dinner)
Sunday, October 25 – Homecoming