The Way to Wonder: Job’s Lament and Loss

Artist Statement:
artist: Lisle Gwynn Garrity
acrylic on canvas
Inspired by Job 28:12-28
Everything Job holds dear—his property, his family, his wealth, his physical health—has been taken from him. His life has
unraveled in every way imaginable. How can we possibly make sense of the pain we endure, especially the pain we don’t cause or deserve?
Much of Job’s journey requires him to untangle the punitive, quid pro quo theology he has absorbed. If I do good things, God will reward me. If I do bad things, God will punish me. On a cerebral level, I disagree with the logic of these words. But I remember how easily I can fall into the trap of feeling these words viscerally and bodily in moments of pain, especially in suffering that is so awful and unfair.
When I first began this painting, I hoped to render Job’s hymn to wisdom visually. I imagined being stuck in the deep, as if my body was anchored underwater and I was looking up to the surface. I imagined textures and symbols emerging in the swirl of the dark to portray Job’s search for
meaning, his grasping to find a way out. But as the painting came together, it was all wrong. The strokes and symbols were too literal, too formulaic. I almost scrapped the canvas altogether, but decided to keep going, to add more layers, more depth, more gold.
A window, doorway, or portal emerged in the middle of the painting. I felt a release and realized that, while I started with lament, I ended with awe. “To fear God is wisdom” (Job 28:28). The Hebrew word for “fear,” yirah, literally translates to “awesome.” True wisdom lies in breathless reverence for God’s mystery and expansiveness—for God’s presence that is beyond what we can control, or reason, or make far too small.
All of this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14: 23-24 (NIV)
Amplify Your Day
Today’s episode of Evening Devotionals is by author Jennifer Cowart. Cowart reminds us that Jesus told us of a gift in John 14–the Advocate, the Holy Spirit.
Evening Devotional with Jennifer Cowart
Questions for Reflection:
- How does the Holy Spirit provide peace of mind and peace of heart to you?
- What daily practices do you do that bring you a peace of mind and peace of heart? Devotions, prayer, exercise, meditation?
- Do you think others experience a peace of mind and peace of heart from you?
**Amplify media has a huge library of resources. If this particular video did not speak to you, feel free to explore the website and find something that reaches your heart. Please share what you have found with Jason, Joanie, or Ryan. We would love to hear from you.
Amplify for Families & Kids
Today’s video: Yonas Gets A Job as a Dog Rescuer
- What animals do you love? What animals does your family have?
- How do you take care of God’s animals? clean? given them attention? feed, etc?
- Why is it important to take care of animals?
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- Enter our Access Code: Check your e-mail for our Church Access Code (an e-mail was sent a few weeks ago from Hood Mem Christian Church with instructions and access code) . If you did not receive this email, please contact Pastor Jason and he will provide you with our Church Access Code.
- Then follow the instructions to set up your personal FREE account because Hood Memorial Christian Church is taking care of all the costs as a gift to you!
If you have any questions, we are here to help. Feel free to get in touch with your Pastors at (or just call or text us at our personal numbers) and we’ll be more than happy to answer any questions and help you get set up with Amplify!
This Week at Hood:
Wednesday, October 7, 12 noon – Prayer & Inspiration (in-person or by calling: 563-999-1222 or
Thursday, October 8, 10:00 am – Ladles of Love Meal Delivery
Friday, October 9, 8:00 pm – Movie Night at Tart Park hosted by Hood Memorial and Dunn Parks and Rec (Sign up here:…
If you have any problems with signing up, call Nyda at (910) 892-2976)
Sunday, October 11, 9:30 am – Worship: Unraveled Series
Sunday, October 11, 6:30 pm – Practicing Midrash Book Study, session 5
Upcoming Events
Sunday, October 25 – Homecoming
Sunday, November 8 – Veteran’s Day Concert
Reaching Out. . .
We are collecting books to give to the newest addition of the Giberson family. Rosemary will be welcoming her baby girl into the world in the near future and our church family is helping this new baby girl start her collection of books. Thank you to those that have already given. We are accepting Children’s books and stories as well as donations. Please share all donations by Sunday, October 11.
Imagine Dunn Survey
What is your vision for Dunn? What would you like to see? What are your thoughts? Help the Imagine Dunn team create a vision for our city. You can help by go to the link below and filling out the survey. If you prefer, we can also get you a hard copy, just let Pastor Jason know.