Treasure, Part 2
Amplify Your Day
No one can serve two masters, for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.
Matthew 6:24
Our focus on stewardship continues. Today we focus on Jesus’ words “No one can serve two masters…” Think about who you serve. If Jesus is truly the master of our lives, our whole lives should be reflective of Christ.
We encourage you to watch the video on Amplify Media by author Jacob Armstrong, called Treasure.
Treasure with Jacob Armstrong: Where is Your Treasure?
Questions for Reflection:
- Who or what do you serve?
- Jacob Armstrong asks, “How many masters do you serve?”
- How does the Lord fit in to your life?
Anti-Creation Narrative: Pharoah Hardens His Heart to Moses’ Requests
artist: Lauren Wright Pittman
Graphic Image
Inspired by Exodus 5: 1-2; 7: 8-23
As I sketched this image of Pharaoh, I realized how cartoonish and irrelevant this character had become in my mind. What would Pharaoh look like today? I sat with this question as a creeping sense of irony came over my body. I would argue, to my surprise, that a modern Pharaoh might look a bit like the reflection in my mirror, and maybe in yours.
This story of Pharaoh’s hardening heart leads to a kind of anticreation narrative—one where the world is coming undone and actively being destroyed. Sound familiar?
As a society, we are actively undoing God’s creation through our consumption while clinging to ease, convenience, and our power over our environment. We harden our hearts to the ways our actions cause harm. We value our comfort over the health of our coastlines while the first climate refugees flee their homes due to rising tides and sinking land. As water becomes scarce, violence will increase. Many will have to fight for their basic needs. I believe Pharaoh’s hardening heart is prophetic. This narrative reveals to us how a person’s clinging to power can literally unravel creation. We often undo the threads of creation, while God entreats us to become co-creators. We have seam rippers in our hands when God wants us to have needle and thread. There is a difficult hope in the narrative, however. Our own unraveling of God’s dream for creation is not strong enough to thwart God’s plan. Ultimately the Israelites find liberation. In this image, the waters of the parted Red Sea frame the chaos of the plagues. We will succeed, with God’s help, in healing the earth. We just need to allow God to soften our hearts, to take initiative in changing our perspective, and to welcome the challenge of restoring creation.
This Week at Hood:
Wednesday, October 14, 12 noon – Prayer & Inspiration (in-person or by calling: 563-999-1222 or
Thursday, October 15, 10:00 am – Ladles of Love Meal Delivery
Friday, October 16, 12 noon – Prayer Call (563-999-1222 or
Sunday, October 18, 10:30 am – Worship: Unraveled Series
Sunday, October 18, 11:30 am – Board Meeting (in-person)
**Please note the new worship time on Sunday mornings!! Join us this week for Outdoor/Drive-in Worship at 10:30 am. Also, don’t forget our children’s class is also meeting on Sunday mornings in the Fellowship Hall.
Upcoming Events
Sunday, October 25 – Homecoming – A Great Day to Invite a Friend to join us for outdoor worship, be on the look out for more details
Sunday, November 1 – All Saints’ Day
Sunday, November 8 – Veteran’s Day Concert
Imagine Dunn Survey
What is your vision for Dunn? What would you like to see? What are your thoughts? Help the Imagine Dunn team create a vision for our city. You can help by go to the link below and filling out the survey. If you prefer, we can also get you a hard copy, just let Pastor Jason know.