Receive It Like Rain

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For Reflection: I Delight In You

Digital painting with collage
By Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity

Artist Statement by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity

During Advent, we learn that the good news begins with John the Baptist shouting in the wilderness and “everyone in Judea and all the people of Jerusalem” following him out of the city to the Jordan river to be baptized, to repent, to change their hearts and, consequently, their lives (Mark 1:5). This is a moment of mainstream conversion, of widespread openness to truly hear the cries of one shouting out, to leave what they had known behind to follow a new path. This, Mark tells us, is when Jesus’ ministry begins—with a community earnest and eager for change.

Mark tells us nothing about Jesus’ life prior to this moment, omitting any details of his miraculous birth or the years of his youth. Instead, Mark notes that Jesus comes from Nazareth of Galilee (over 100 km north of Jerusalem) to join John the Baptist’s movement. We might expect the long- awaited Messiah to greet his new followers like the kings before him have— with a pompous coronation, with hunger to exert power and control over his populus. Instead, Jesus steps in line along the river’s edge, blending in with the crowds, joining in solidarity with those around him. Jesus doesn’t demand any attention, but as soon as the water washes over him, creation is summoned to celebrate. I imagine him wading into the waters and leaning back to receive the blessing that falls upon him like rain: You are my beloved. I delight in you.

In this moment, God-in-flesh joins alongside those he will heal, beckon, teach, challenge, and comfort. Simultaneously, God-in-Spirit meets Christ at the water’s edge, at the threshold of his ministry. Before Jesus faces the pain, betrayal, and challenges of what will come, before he does anything to prove himself, God grants him unconditional belovedness as his essence. From this, all his subsequent teachings and actions flow.


Breathe deeply as you gaze upon the image. Imagine placing yourself in this scene. What do you see? How do you feel? Get quiet and still, offering a silent or spoken prayer to God.

This week…

Wednesday, February 24, 12 noon – Prayer & Inspiration, online and in-person
Thursday, February 25, 10 am – Ladles of Love Meal delivery
Sunday, February 28, 10:30 am – Worship online & in the chapel, Week of Compassion Offering

** We will return to the sanctuary for worship on Sunday, March 7th.

**While we worship online, we encourage you to remember your offerings. You can share your offerings for the ministries of our church in the following ways:
-bring to the church and drop in the locking mailbox
-mail to 300 E. Cumberland St., Dunn, NC 28334
-make a donation online at hood
-contact the church office for someone to come and pick it up