Prayer, Practice, & Praise
Pentecost Sunday
While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the word. The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astounded that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles, for they heard them speaking in tongues and extolling God. Then Peter said, “Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” So he ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they invited him to stay for several days.
Acts 10:44-48
- Don’t forget to wear red!
- Pentecost Offering to support the Disciples Mission Fund for new churches. Please consider your gift.
- We will be dedicating Evangeline Danielle Giberson, daughter of Rosemary Giberson during our service.
Jesus’ Prayer
Pastor Jason challenged us last Sunday to read & pray Jesus’ prayer from John 17 each day this week. Remember to ask yourself these important questions:
- What matters most?
- What is essential?
- What can I live without?
Ladles of Love Volunteers Needed
Prayerfully consider how you can help with Ladles of Love. We feed 25 residents of the Cottondale apartments (across the street from the church) and 2-3 other neighbors in need each week. We need several folks who can help with meal preparation. You can commit to one week, a month at a time, or as much as you are able. Here are the details:
- Pick up items to prepare from the church kitchen on Tuesday afternoon.
- Prepare about 10 meals at home at your convience.
- If you prepare them Wednesday afternoon, you may bring them to the church and place them in the refrigerator. If you prepare them Thursday morning, you can bring them to the church by 9:30 am.
- If you are unable to bring them to the church, we can arrange for pick up from your home.
Can you prepare meals one week? Three weeks? For a month? Longer? Please contact Beulah Pope or Joanie Williams if you are able to assist with this important ministry. We need you.
Hygiene & School Kits
We have been asked again by our Regional Staff to help provide Hygiene Kits & School Kits through the Church World Service. We will collect all kits by May 30. These bags go to families in crisis–generally in areas hit by natural disasters. Many of the bags we packed last September went to offer relief for storm victims in Texas. We have gallon size bags and canvas bags available at the church for you to pick up, fill up, and return.
Here’s what you’ll need for Hygiene Kits:
- One hand towel measuring approximately 15″ x 28″ to 16″ x 32″ (no fingertip, bath, dish towel or micro-fiber)
- One washcloth
- One wide-tooth comb removed from the package
- One fingernail or toenail clipper removed from the package (either one is acceptable)
- One bath-size bar of soap in the original package
- One toothbrush in the original package
- Ten standard size Band-Aids
All items need to fit inside a one-gallon Ziploc type bag. Remove the excess air from the bag and seal before boxing.
Here’s what you’ll need for School Kits:
- One pair of blunt scissors removed from the package (rounded tip, only)
- Three 70-count bound notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (no loose-leaf or filler paper)
- One 30-centimeter / 12” ruler
- One hand-held pencil sharpener removed from the package
- One large eraser (no pencil cap erasers)
- Six new, unsharpened pencils with erasers (please remove pencils from the package)
- One box of 24 crayons (only 24)
- One 12”x14” to 14”x17” finished size cotton or lightweight canvas bag with handles (solid color or kid-friendly fabric, no logos, reusable shopping bags or backpacks)–THESE ARE AVAILABLE AT CHURCH
8:30 PM
Showing the Disney Movie “Soul”