From Joy to Love

From the Artist

A Closer Walk
By Rev. T. Denise Anderson
Inspired by Luke 3:1-18
Oil on canvas

As I meditated on the theme, Close to Home, I decided that what makes a place “home” for me is people. That realization informed my decision to explore this theme through portraiture—the depiction of people. The
references for each of the depictions I’ve painted are actual Palestinians and Israelis. It’s important to me to bring this ancient story truly close to home as we consider the current geopolitical realities in the land of the Advent story. I encourage you to read more about the stories of those who
inspired these depictions.

My depiction of John the Baptist is inspired by Abuna (meaning “Father”) Elias Chacour, who was the Archbishop of Akko, Haifa, Nazareth and All Galilee of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church (2006-2014). A Palestinian Arab-Israeli, Abuna Chacour is a wellrespected activist and educator who established the Mar Elias Educational Institutions in Ibillin, which educate students of multiple religious backgrounds—Arab and Israeli—from kindergarten through high school. His life’s work embodies the courageous and prophetic pointing to a better way that I also see in John the Baptist.

John’s words in the text are so full of imagery that it’s impossible to fit it all in one image. The shape of his tunic
recalls the base of the tree referenced in verse 9. In the background is an obvious path, recalling John’s clear
instruction to his listeners. Share your belongings! Do not extort people! His counsel is so simple, yet apparently
so hard to follow. The path leads to the sunrise on a new day, the colors of which allude to the fire of Jesus’
baptism. In his hand is a key, which is a symbol that you’ll see in my other works. For Palestinians, the key
represents a longing and determination to return home from displacement.
—Rev. T. Denise Anderson

If you missed worship last Sunday, you can watch here:

This Sunday at 10:30 am

You are invited to join us for a Sunday of worshipping our God through the gift of music. Our choir will sing some familiar carols, along with soloists and guest musicians. Join us as we reflect on God’s gift of love through familiar carols, communion, and Fellowship.

The children’s class will be participating in a Nativity Escape Room during their time together. The kids will not want to miss this time of working together to learn more about the nativity story. That will also begin at 10:30.

This Week:

Sunday, December 19 – 10:30 am Fourth Sunday of Advent: Close to Home (Love); Adult Choir, Soloists, & Guest Musicians
Sunday, December 19 – 12 noon Church-wide Christmas Lunch in the Fellowship Hall; Ornament Exchange
Sunday, December 19 – ALL DAY Turn in items for Hygiene Bags
Monday, December 20 – 10:00 am Packing Hygiene Bags
Monday, December 20 – 12 noon Devotion & Prayer Time (online & Free Conference Call)

Upcoming Events

Friday, December 24 – 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight & Communion Service

Christmas Outreach

Thank you to everyone who has already donated to our Hygiene Bags for the Cottondale residents. We are excited to bring them a small gift with their meal this Christmas. Can you pick up some items while you are at the store this week? Please text or call Pastor Joanie with any questions. We need:

  • 30 deodorants
  • 26 washcloths
  • 30 candy canes

Ornament Exchange

During our Christmas Lunch this Sunday, we will exchange ornaments with one another. Bring an ornament to share. You can bring an ornament from your tree, an ornament that is special to you, an ornament that you made, or an ornament that you purchased ($10 limit). As a special addition, write a quick note about why this ornament is special to you, what significance the ornament holds in your life, or why you chose that ornament so others can share in your joy.