Love and Faithfulness

Psalm 117

Praise the LORD, all you nations.
Applaud him, all you foreigners.
For his loyal love towers over us,(
and the LORD’s faithfulness endures.
Praise the LORD.

For all the knowledge, wisdom, power, salvation, grace, and mercy of God; For all the question we have, the books we read, the sermons we preach, and the stories we study; For all the miracles we celebrate, the prayers that are answered, and the lives that are redeemed; For all the mystery, wonder, and beauty of faith in God; This Psalm boils it all down to two simple yet powerful words that offer more than enough reason to praise God: Love and Faithfulness.

Now, truth be told, it not just any old love. It’s God’s unique, unfailing, steadfast, kind, loyal love. And it’s not just faithfulness. It’s truthful, merciful, enduring faithfulness. And honestly these two words do pull in a lot of what we think and say about God. Still, it seems fitting to remember that God’s love and faithfulness include much more than what we typically think about today when we hear those two words.

Psalm 117 is the shortest Psalm, and yet it packs in quite a punch with it two simple reasons for praising God. Perhaps it reminds us that sometimes less is more. It doesn’t take a lot of words to praise God in song or prayer. Simply lifting up God’s love and faithfulness says plenty!

Try holding onto Psalm 117 today. Commit it to memory. Write it down on your hand or phone or business card. Pull it out throughout the day and allow it to be your prayer guiding you again and again to those two simple, yet powerful attributes of God: love and faithfulness.

Readings for Wednesday, January 25

Acts 22:3-16; Psalm 117:1-2; Mark 16:15-18

Thank you!

About 20 folks connected to our church family came out to volunteer at the DUMA Food Pantry on Tuesday! We give thanks for each one of you that voluntier and stopped by! Thank you all for taking the time to serve yours neighbors in need. That’s how we BE THE CHURCH!

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