Tips for Relating to 5s

Type 5s are always thinking, curious, perceiving, and learning. Because they care more about knowing how to do something than actually doing it, 5s tend to live in their head, building elaborate worlds in the safe space of their mind. Preferring to listen to what others say, they rarely talk about themselves frequently redirecting any conversations that turns towards their emotions. It’s helpful for 5s when you give them the time and space to engage their mind, but then lovingly and persistently nudge them to share.

5s try to prove their usefulness through knowledge and understanding. Yet at the end of the day, like most types, they simply want to be loved for who they are. While it can be difficult to pull a five out of their head, and into the real world, it is also very healthy for fives to put what they know into action. Encouraging 5s to grasp the balance of thinking and acting is helpful. However, this must be encouraged with patience and care. When 5s put their knowledge into actions, they can be sharp-eyed visionaries, keen explorers, perceptive discoverers, and ingenious inventors.

More Tips for Relationships with 5s

  • Create relational space that is safe for 5s. They need and want love that is safe and secure.
  • If you ask a 5 to do something, know that they will analyze the validity of the request, consider the options and alternatives, weigh the time and energy the request will take, and on and on…all before the respond to you.
  • While 5s rarely take the initiative to do something, they will probably come up with ideas and suggest that you do it. Encourage them to join you!
  • 5s want relationships, they just feel people are too emotionally and personally intrusive. They tend to opt for a few close friends rather than many.
  • After being around people for awhile, 5s will want and need their alone time. Don’t take this personally. Just give them that time. It helps them to recharge and reset.
  • You cannot make a 5 participate. They have to choose it.
  • 5s need to grow into the realization that the benefit of relationships outweighs the personal cost of the relationship.
  • Remind 5s that the world has more to offer than information!
  • 5s don’t always pick up on innuendo. They are more comfortable with the objective. So you have to be clear with 5s.
  • Respect the limits that 5s set for themselves even as yo nudge them to extend those limits.
  • When you help a 5, don’t do it with fanfare that draws attention. Just do it and move on.
  • 5s like details. When you ask something from them, be clear with expectations and details.

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