My Soul Cries Out

I cried to God, “Three hundred thirty thousand!
Five thousand more, six hundred more, and nine!”
In just ten years, a truth we can’t imagine:
All died from guns, one loved one at a time!
And then I heard … “Whom shall I send to grieve them?
Go tell the world: ‘I love them! They are mine!'”I asked the Lord, “Why is there so much violence?
If you are God, why don’t you stop the pain?
God, won’t you speak? For all around is madness!
Just say the word and make us whole again!”
And then I heard … “Whom shall I send as prophets?
Speak out my truth! Shout till the killings end!”I knelt and prayed, and wept for all the fallen;
So many lives, so many dreams now gone.
More than a name — each one was someone’s cousin,
Or someone’s child, or someone counted on.
And then I heard … “Whom shall I send, who knew them,
To work for peace, to labor till the dawn?Lord, here am I! And here are we, together!
No one alone can end this killing spree.
The powers of death pit one against another,
Yet you are God and you desire peace.
As mourners, prophets, laborers together,
Give us the strength to make the killings cease.
Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast – Thursday, May 2, 7:00 am
Thursday, May 2 is National Day of Prayer and each year in Dunn we have our annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast at 7:00 am. Please join churches from our area for a full breakfast at 7:00 am followed by a Service of Prayer for our community, state, and nation. This year, our focus is on the many organizations and agencies that serve people throughout our community.
Spiritual Gifts Inventory
If you know that you have not yet taken our church Spiritual Gifts Inventory or completed your church profile information, please contact Pastor Jason at (919) 417-0179 (call or text) to schedule a time to do so.
Church Community Garden Update
The garden has been tilled! We are preparing to plant it over the next two weeks. Please join Pastor Jason and Joanie for a brief planning meeting this Wednesday at 1:00 pm in the church History/Conference Room. During this 30 minute meeting we will determine what to plant and when to plant. 90% of the produce goes to the DUMA Food Pantry. A small portion of the produce is available for you to enjoy at home….if you come to help!!
Garden Planning Meeting
Wednesday, May 1, 1:00 pm
Church History/Conference Room
Did you miss Sunday’s Sermon?
Listen to the Message from John Johnson and Jackie Gonzalez
This Week at Hood MCC…
Tuesday, April 30, 6:15 pm – Small group
Wednesday, May 1, 1:00 pm – Garden Planning Meeting
Wednesday, May 1, 1:30 pm – Prayer & Inspiration
Wednesday, May 1, 6:00 pm – Choir Practice
Thursday, May 2, 7:00 am – Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast at Gospel Tabernacle
Thursday, May 2 – Pastor Jason will NOT be at the Cellar for Drop-In Coffee & Conversation this week
Thursday, May 2, 3:00 pm – Ladles of Love Meal Preparation & Delivery
Sunday, May 5, 11:00 am – Worship