Treasure, Part 3
Amplify Your Day
Our focus on stewardship continues. Today we consider the questions: what is most valuable to us? and what are we holding on to? Think about what is most valuable to you.
We encourage you to watch the video on Amplify Media by author Jacob Armstrong, called Treasure.
Treasure with Jacob Armstrong: How to Give
Questions for Reflection:
- What things in your life are the most valuable?
- What are you holding on to?
- What are you willing to give up?
You Ask Me? (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)
(The Samaritan Woman at the Well)
artist: Hannah Garrity
Acrylic & Ink on Canvas
Inspired by John 4:1-29
Artist Statement:
Why are you asking me? As a woman in a patriarchal society, I
have been faced with subordination throughout my life. I mostly do not feel it. I have learned self control from a young age and I have been taught to appreciate what I have. These skills are the reasons that I have the extensive happiness and comfort that I enjoy on a daily basis. However, the patriarchy still exists. Along with the external blocks, the glass ceilings, I am finding that I stand in my own way, too. Despite the tireless efforts of my parents to teach us of a world of equality and opportunity, I have still imbibed the societal belief that I, as a woman, am lesser; that my skills do not measure up, that my salary should not be equal or more, that I work too much, that I spend too little time with my children, or that I will not succeed at the next challenge. None of these things are true, and yet I throw the roadblocks of patriarchy before myself anyway. The woman at the well had multiple levels of societal oppression standing like a wall between Jesus and her. She was not of the same race or gender as he, and she was unwed, unprotected. I can understand why she questioned God’s call for water. Why would he address her as an equal? Are you asking me? Are you sure you meant to do that? Are you sure that I measure up?
Homecoming: This Sunday 10:30 am
Bring your own brunch, lawn chair or blanket and join us for outdoor worship at 10:30 am. Here are some special elements of our Homecoming worship to look forward to:
- Outdoor/drive-in style
- Bring your own communion elements
- Bible presentation
- Clarinet trio playing arrangements by our very own Colton Barber
- Celebration of our past, present, and future
- Children’s Class (Fellowship Hall-temperatures are checked before they enter the building and everyone is asked to wash their hands)
This Week at Hood:
Wednesday, October 21, 12 noon – Prayer & Inspiration (in-person or by calling: 563-999-1222 or
Thursday, October 22, 10:00 am – Ladles of Love Meal Delivery
Friday, October 23, 12 noon – Prayer Call (563-999-1222 or
Sunday, October 25, 10:30 am – Homecoming Worship: Unraveled Series
**Please note the new worship time on Sunday mornings!! Also, don’t forget our children’s class is also meeting on Sunday mornings in the Fellowship Hall.
Upcoming Events
Sunday, November 1 – All Saints’ Day
Sunday, November 8 – Veteran’s Day Concert
Imagine Dunn Survey
What is your vision for Dunn? What would you like to see? What are your thoughts? Help the Imagine Dunn team create a vision for our city. You can help by go to the link below and filling out the survey. If you prefer, we can also get you a hard copy, just let Pastor Jason know.